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30. 05. 2005


BELGRADE, May 30, 2005 – The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia (IJAS) and Public Information Commissioner Rodoljub Sabic announced signing of the Protocol on co-operation with regard to the implementation of the Access to Public Information Act. Speaking at the round table in Vranje organized by IJAS, Sabic stressed that Protocol could significantly motivate journalists to give an example to the citizens in exercising the rights envisaged by the Free Access to Information of Public Importance Act. “The implementation will start when the state finally secures the conditions for its implementation. However even if the conditions are met, the Act could end up being just a letter on the paper, if the citizens do not use their rights given by the Act”, said Sabic. Sabic said the journalists were the ones who would set an example to the citizens, until the public became completely aware of the possibilities envisaged by the Act. Coordinator of the Coalition for Free Access to Information Tamara Luksic-Orlandic noted that one of the effects of the Act implementation would be the decrease of corruption cases, because, as she said, the appropriate authorities would become aware that their work is accessible to public at all times. The Free Access to Public Information Act Guide was promoted on the occasion. The Guide, made by the Coalition of the non-government organizations for free access to information, contains the practical examples of the procedures and limits of the Act.

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