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20. 02. 2014


Kiev, 02.20.2014 (NUNS ) - The International Partnership Mission on Safety and Protection of Journalists and Press Freedom in Ukraine, currently in Kiev, strongly condemns the violence that today claimed the life of journalist Vyacheslav Veremyi and left at least 27 journalists injured.

The delegation of representatives of international organizations of journalists and other freedom of expression organizations called on the Ukrainian authorities to allow an immediate independent investigation to bring those responsible for violence to justice.

"Over 167 journalists have been injured since the beginning of the political crisis in Ukraine in late November 2013. Many of these journalists were deliberately targeted and none of their cases have been properly investigated. This state of impunity is unacceptable and fuels more violence. We call on all parties to facilitate de-escalation of the situation and show respect for the work and the physical integrity of media personnel, and we remind the Ukrainian authorities of their responsibility to ensure journalists' safety", the statement of the international mission said, which IFJ headquarters in Brussels forwarded to all its members - journalists' associations.

Journalist Vyacheslav Veremyi (33) died yesterday morning from gunshot wounds in a Kiev hospital. Unknown assailants pulled him out of a taxi in the city center, beat him, and then, and according to witness accounts, shot him after he showed his press card.

The International Partnership Mission is also very concerned by censorship attempts, such as the blocking of Channel 5 broadcasts since 18 February.


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