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07. 04. 2014


Belgrade, April 7, 2014 - In its customary manner, the daily newspaper Informer has again published completely unverified, arbitrary and sensationalistic information, humiliating the journalistic profession and reducing the standard of media reporting down to the level of the long-gone nineties of the last century.

In Informer's published articles, its readers were presented with a so-called "great conspiracy" against the leadership of the country, while reputable media professionals, who are well-known for their professionalism and respect for journalistic ethics, have been labeled as "foreign spies" and "enemies" of "everything that is contrary to the so-called 'yellow Serbia'", at the same time pointing out their hostile attitude towards the current leaders of the country.

Informer has decided to reveal a conspiracy of a media company and its journalists before the said media outlet has even begun broadcasting its programme, smearing it as an instrument of a global political force that is hostile to Serbia, and labeling its journalists as puppets used by political interest groups intent to destroy their country.

The media should not be perceived as an enemy, and it is not the role of the media to serve as an instrument of political propaganda. The media is a platform that should be used for free exchange of information, opinions and ideas, as well as debate about issues of public importance.

The highest legal statute of the Republic of Serbia allows anyone to found a media outlet. Licenses for television stations are issued in accordance with law.

All broadcasters are required to broadcast their programme in accordance with law, the instructions prescribed by the Republic Broadcasting Agency, and the journalistic ethics. In other words, Serbia has a media-related legal framework and system, which is not perfect, but exists. Arbitrary accusations and disqualifications that label certain journalists as traitors or mercenaries are absolutely unacceptable.

It is of special concern that the representative of the ruling party - who has said that "no one can influence the will of the people from the outside", that he "will stand up to pressure" and that "all such attempts are doomed to fail" - has in this way joined the witch-hunt and sent a dangerous message that any form of criticism towards the government is unwelcome and that it will be sanctioned.

ANEM calls on Informer to get back on the track of responsible, professional and ethical reporting and to strive to increase the number of its readers by publishing reports on issues of public importance instead of attacks on those who have differing opinions, and especially to refrain to attack their own colleagues. On the other side, ANEM demands that the authorities send a strong political message that constructive criticism of the government is not a "hostile activity" and clearly distance themselves from such attacks on journalists and the media.

ANEM President, Milorad Tadic

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