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12. 03. 2015

Coalition of Media and Journalists'Associations: Discontinue Public Procurement Procedure and Call the Competition for Co-Financing of Media Projects in Pozarevac

Belgrade, 12.3.2015 - The Coalition of Media and Journalists' Associations, comprised of ANEM, Local Press, UNS, NUNS and NDNV, requests from the authorities in the City of Pozarevac to reconsider their decision to call the public procurement procedure for acquring „services in the domain of public relations" and, respecting the substance of the Law on Public Information and Media, to discontinue the public procurement procedure and call the competition for co-financing projects that fulfil public interest in the public information sector.

The Coalition of Media and Journalists' Associations warns that the City of Pozarevac called the procedure for public procurement of „services in the domain of public relations" which should acquire the „service" of reporting from all public gatherings, manifestations and events of interest to the City, as well as the „service" of broadcasting the sessions of the City Parliament.

The Coalition of Media and Journalists' Associations stresses that the budget of the City of Pozarevac foresees funds for „information" in the total amount of 13,2 million dinars. The „information" pertains to reporting on the work of the Parliament (8,6 million), the mayor and Municipal Council (4,5 million) and the functioning of local communities (100.000 dinars). At the same time, there is no mention in the budget of the project-based co-financing in the manner envisaged by media laws. This means that the only „information" to be financed by Pozarevac tax payers is the information on the work of city bodies.

The Coalition of Media and Journalists' Associations underscores that Pozarevac is an example of the widespread practice that has been creating obedient media for years, reducing them to silent observers of political processes and blunting their edge due to the consideration towards the „ordering party".

ANEM, Local Press, UNS, NUNS and NDNV

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