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10. 04. 2014


After it was broadcast on 25 television stations and 40 radio stations - members of the ANEM network throughout Serbia - ANEM's radio and TV series "Illustrated Glossary of Corruption" is now available on the ANEM's website and its YouTube channel.


First five television and radio episodes of the series were broadcast between March 24 and 28, 2014, and they are available in this article below the text. Every following week new five episodes that were broadcast on TV and radio in the meantime will be available here. 

Using local stories/cases from 16 cities around Serbia and Belgrade as illustrations, with expert explanations understandable to the broad public, the radio and TV series explain 20 chosen terms related to corruption, its prevention and the fight against corruption.

The series is the key activity of the ANEM's project "Illustrated Glossary of Corruption", financed by the European Union and implemented in partnership with the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Serbia. 

The first five television episodes cover the following topics: Perception of Corruption, Bribery, Trading in Influence, Complaint, Oversight and Control of Budget Expenditures, while the first five radio episodes cover the topics: Perception of Corruption, Bribery, Trading in Influence, Whistleblower, Complaint.

The episodes are available (only in Serbian) under this text. Short descriptions of the episodes are available here: 

Research on citizens' perception of corruption is of great importance in communities or areas where there is a serious intention to lessen the problem of corruption and deal with it as much as possible. Such a research was done in the municipality of Bujanovac, where the citizens stress that the corruption influences economic development by discouraging investments in this impoverished part of Serbia. Representatives of the municipality and non-governmental sector from Bujanovac talk in the episode of "Illustrated Glossary of Corruption" about the measures they have taken and the anti-corruption measures that will be implemented. 

BRIBERY (Radio and TV episodes)
Bribery is synonymous with corruption, although it is only one form of corruption. Receiving and giving bribe is a widespread phenomenon. Citizens have the impression that it is the most widespread and the most dangerous in the health sector. The team of the "Illustrated Glossary of Corruption" recorded one such case in Požarevac and talked about the consequences of this criminal offence and the measures to prevent and sanction it with the former health minister Slavica Đukić Dejanović, president of the Prosecutors' Association of Serbia Goran Ilić and the representatives of the non-governmental sector. 

TRADING IN INFLUENCE (Radio and TV episodes)
Trading in influence is a more recent criminal offence related to corruption. As it is difficult to prove, only a small number of perpetrators of this criminal offence have been proscuted. The team of the "Illustrated Glossary of Corruption" recorded in the city of Čačak that the city's investigation authorities have filed criminal charges for this offence only in one instance so far. We asked representatives of judiciary, police, and the city authorities of Čačak what type of behavior precisely trading in influence is as a criminal offence, how it can be proved and dealt with. 

COMPLAINT (Radio and TV episodes)
We very often notice various types of abuses, illicit behavior, and corruption, but we do not know always what to do about it or who to turn to. The complaint is precisely the way to point to the problems in the work of a public body. It is a written document that can be submitted by anyone. The team of the "Illustrated Glossary of Corruption" talked in Užice to the workers of the defunct leather factory who have filed dozens of complaints to multiple recipients due to the disrespect of the privatization contract and the general condition of the factory. Along with the former workers of the leather factory from Užice, other interviewees in this episode are the representatives of the Privatization Agency of the Republic of Serbia, the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Serbia and trade union representatives. 

Every time you go to a store and buy a product, you are filling up the public budget. From your pocket the money goes to the state budget every time you buy bread, milk, vegetables, meat, when you go to a petrol station or when you pay utilities. However, do you know how your money is being spent, who is supposed to control the spending and how important is the citizens' interest in monitoring how the authorities dispose with public money? The team of the "Illustrated Glossary of Corruption" posed these questions to the citizens of Požarevac and the representatives of local authorities which illegally spent 37 million dinars in 2011. The interviewees in this episode are high officals of the city of Požarevac and the president of the State Audit Institution Radoslav Sretenović. 

WHISTLEBLOWER (Radio episode)
Important witnesses of corruption and the abuse of power in institutions and public enterprises are precisely those who work in them. Unfortunately, they rarely summon courage to report corruption because there is still no systemic protection of so-called whistleblowers in Serbia, due to which they suffer grave consequences. Momčilo Cvetković, former head of the Veterinerian Inspection for Jablanica district, who was granted the status of a whistleblower by the Anti-Corruption Agency, talks about his experience. Current mechanisms showed to be insufficient and the adoption of the Law on the Protection of Whistleblowers is one of the priorities in the fight against corruption. Along with Cvetković, others interviewed for the "Illustrated Glossary of Corruption" are the director of the Anti-Corruption Agency Tatjana Babić and assistant director Nataša Jelić, the Ombudsman Saša Janković, the head of the Veterinarian Inspection of the Ministry of Agriculture Sanja Čelebićanin.


1. Percepcija korupcije (Perception of Corruption)

tv percepcija korupcije

2. Mito (Bribery)

tv mito

3. Trgovina uticajem (Trading in Influence)

tv Trgovina uticajem

4. Predstavka (Complaint)

tv predstavka

5. Nadzor i kontrola (Oversight and Control of Budget Expenditures)

tv nadzor



1. Percepcija korupcije (Perception of Corruption) 

radio percepcija

2. Mito (Bribery)

radio mito

3. Trgovina uticajem (Trading in Influence)

radio trgovina uticajem

4. Uzbunjivač (Whistleblower)

radio uzbunjivac

5. Predstavka (Complaint)

radio predstavka



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ANEM's Project "Illustrated Glossary of Corruption" is financed by the European Union within the Civil Society Facility Programme.



The contents of this text are the sole responsibility of ANEM and can in no way be taken to reflect the views and stands of the European Union.

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