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21. 08. 2008

Draft Law on Media Ownership Concentration: Momentum to Fight Potential ’Last Minute’ Law Amendments

Down side of the media market liberalization is concentration of media ownership. This global phenomenon had its reflections even in the small market such as Serbian. Concentration of media ownership is first recognized by 2002 Broadcasting Law while the first draft of the law on prohibited unification and the transparency of the public media ownership was finished in April 2008. The Draft foresees plurality and diversity of the ownership with high level of transparency and formation of Public Register containing all relevant information on the media ownership structure.

Even if it incorporates democratic standards, the draft Law may not pass the parliament procedure. Why so? Unfortunately, the experience related to the adoption of the media regulations in Serbia is teaching us that it is precisely in this phase of the law adoption when the most serious obstacles to reform the legal framework occur. There is more than a sufficient number of examples of abrupt changes to the draft texts before the very adoption in the Serbian Assembly, often in the way in which it undermines its entire democratic potential. What actions did the author, Mr. Slobodan Kremenjak suggest?

Download: Draft Law on Media Ownership Concentration

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